· 22 min read
CSE 3rd-Sem Syllabus
Student Centered Activities will comprise of various co-curricular activities like games, hobby clubs, seminars, declamation contests, extension lectures, NCC, NSS and cultural activities etc.
Industrial visit compulsory at minimum 2 Industries or Department.
- Each period will be 50 minutes.
- Each session will be of 16 weeks.
- Effective teaching will be at least 12.5 weeks.
Subject | L | T | P | T | O | T | EVALUATION SCHEME | Theory Practical | Period/Weeks | Max Marks | Max Marks | Theory Max Marks | Hrs. | Practical Max Marks |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | - | 20 | 5 | - | 4 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 28 | 9 |
Internal | External | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Programming in C | Digital Techniques | Operating System | Internet of Things | Data Communication | Office Application | Total | ||
SEMESTER – III | Hrs. | 3.0 | - | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | - |
Subject Code: 053006
C is the most widely used computer language, which is being taught as a core course. C is a general-purpose structural language that is powerful, efficient, and compact, which combines features of high-level language and low-level language. It is closer to both Man and Machine. Due to this inherent flexibility and tolerance, it is suitable for different development environments. Due to these powerful features, C has not lost its importance and popularity in the recently developed and advanced software industry. C can also be used for system-level programming and it is still considered as the first priority programming language. This course covers the basic concepts of C. This course will act as a “Programming concept developer” for students. It will also act as a “Backbone” for subjects like OOPS, Visual Basic, Windows Programming, JAVA etc.
At the end of the Course, the students will be able to:
- Define Program, Algorithm, and flowchart
- List down and Explain various program development steps
- Write down algorithm and flowchart for simple problems.
- Describe the concepts of Constants, Variables, Data types, and operators.
- Develop programs using input and output operations.
- Use of command line arguments.
- Explain compiler-controlled directives.
- Understand the structure and usage of different looping and branching statements.
- Define arrays and string handling functions.
- Explain user-defined functions, structures, and union.
- Define pointers and using the concept of Pointers.
- To understand the dynamic data structure and memory management.
Program Algorithm & Flowchart: (4 Periods)
- Program development cycle
- Programming language levels & features.
- Algorithm – Properties & classification of Algorithm
- Flowchart – symbols
Introduction to C: (4 Periods)
- History of C
- Features of C
- Structure of C program
- Compiler, Interpreter, Link & Run a program.
- Diagrammatic representation of program execution process.
Variables, Constants & Data types: (4 Periods)
- C character set
- Tokens
- Constants
- Keywords
- Identifiers and Variables
- Data types and storage
- Data type Qualifiers
- Declaration of Variables
- Assigning values to variables
- Declaring variables as constants
- Declaration – Variables as volatile
- Overflow & underflow of data
C Operators: (4 Periods)
- Arithmetic, Logical, Assignment, Relational, Increment and Decrement, Conditional, Bitwise, Special Operator precedence and Associativity.
- C expressions – Arithmetic expressions – Evaluation of expressions- Type cast operator
I/O Statements: (2 Periods)
- Formatted input, formatted output, Unformatted I/O statements
Branching: (4 Periods)
- Introduction
- Simple if statement
- if – else
- else - if ladder
- nested if - else
- Switch statement
- go statement
- Simple programs.
Control Statements: (6 Periods)
- While, do-while statements
- for loop
- break & continue statement
- Simple programs
Arrays: (6 Periods)
- Declaration and initialization of One-dimensional, Two-dimensional, and Character arrays
- Accessing array elements
- Programs using arrays
Strings: (6 Periods)
- Declaration and initialization of string variables
- Reading String, Writing Strings
- String handling functions
- String manipulation programs
User Defined Functions: (6 Periods)
- Defining functions & Needs
- Scope and Lifetime of Variables
- Function call, return values
- Storage classes
- Category of function
- Recursion
- Simple programs
Structures and Unions: (6 Periods)
- Structure – Definition, initialization, arrays of structures, Arrays within structures, structures within structures, Structures and functions
- Unions – Structure of Union
- Difference between Union and structure
- Simple programs.
Pointers: (6 Periods)
- Definition
- Advantages of pointers
- Accessing the address of a variable through pointers
- Declaring and initializing pointers
- Pointers expressions, increment and scale factor
- Array of pointers
- Pointers and array
- Pointer and character strings
- Function arguments
- Pointers to functions
- Pointers and structures
- Programs using pointer.
File Management: (6 Periods)
- Introduction
- Defining and opening a file
- Closing a file
- Input/Output operations on files
- Error handling during I/O operations
- Random Access to files
- Programs using files
- Programming in ANSI C 4E by Prof. E. BALAGURUSAMY, The TATA Mc GRAW–HILL Publications.
- Programming and Problem solving using CISRD Group, Lucknow Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Sixth Reprint 2010
- Let us C Yeswanth Kanetkar BPB Publications, Fourth Revised
- A Text Book on C, E. Karthikeyan PHI Private Limited, New Delhi 2008
- Programming in C, D. Ravichandran New Age International Publishers, Chennai, First Edition 1996, Reprint 2011
- Computer Concepts and Dr. S. S. Khandare S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi First Edition 2010
- Complete Knowledge in C Sukhendu Dey, Debobrata Dutta Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi Reprint 2010
- Programming in C Reema Therapia Oxford University Press First Edition 2011
- Practical C Programming Steve Oualline O’ Reilly, Shroff Eleventh Indian Reprint Oct 2010
Part – A
Write a simple C program. a. Print your name and address. b. Find simple and compound interest
Write a C program to swap two variables using (i) third variable and (ii) without using a third variable.
Write a program to convert a given number of days into months and days using integer arithmetic operators.
Write a program the use of variables in expression and their evaluation.
Write a program converts the given temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius using a preprocessor.
Write a program to find the largest number between given three numbers.
Write a program to perform the following tasks: a. Find factorial of a number b. Print prime numbers up to N times.
Write a program to prepare the total marks for N students by reading the Reg. No, Name, Mark1 to Mark 6 by using an array of structures.
Write a program using the function power (a, b) to calculate the value of a raised to b.
Write a program to find the length of the given string using pointers.
Part – B
Read an integer number, find the number of digits and sum of all individual digits and also print the above number in reverse order.
Write a program to perform the following tasks: a. Print Fibonacci series up to N terms and its sum. b. Print whether a given year is a leap or not.
Read a sentence through command line argument. Write a program to write out the string arguments to main in reverse order.
Write a program to arrange the given N names in alphabetical order.
Write a program to count the numbers and chars in the string.
Write a program that uses a function to sort an array of integers.
Write a program to calculate the subject-wise and student-wise totals and store them as a part of the structure.
Write a program to read 10 values to an array variable. Use pointers to locate and display each value.
Write a program that uses a table of integers whose size will be specified interactively at runtime.
Write a program to store a character string in a block of memory space created by MALLOC and then modify the same to store a larger string.
| Writing any one program from PART – A | 10 Marks | | Writing any one program from PART – B | 10 Marks | | Executing program (PART – A) | 10 Marks | | Executing program (PART – B) | 10 Marks | | Result with printout (PART – A) | 05 Marks | | Result with printout (PART – B) | 05 Marks | | VIVA – VOCE | 10 Marks | | Total | 60 Marks |
Note: student: computer ratio in lab should be strictly 1:1
- Desktop Computers with LAN – 40 Nos
- Laser Printer – 1 No
- C – Compiler with Editor
Topic | Time Allotted (Period) | Marks Allocation |
1 | 4 | 5 |
2 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 4 | 5 |
4 | 4 | 5 |
5 | 2 | 5 |
6 | 4 | 5 |
7 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 6 | 6 |
9 | 6 | 6 |
10 | 6 | 6 |
11 | 6 | 5 |
12 | 6 | 5 |
13 | 6 | 5 |
Total | 64 | 70 |
Subject Code: 053003
Diploma Engineers from all branches of engineering are expected to have some basic knowledge of electronics engineering. Also, the technicians working in different engineering fields have to deal with various types of electronic circuits. Hence it is necessary to study electronic devices, their principles, and working characteristics. The basic concepts studied in this subject will be very useful for understanding higher-level subjects in further study.
Semi Conductors Basics: (6 Periods)
- Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors
- Idea of energy, Energy Band Diagrams
- Effect of temperature
- Distinction between analog and digital signal
- Applications and advantages of digital signals
Number Representation: (8 Periods)
- Decimal, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal number systems
- Conversion of number from one number system to another (without decimal point)
- 1’s, 2’s AND 9’s complement method of addition/subtraction
- Sign magnitude method of representation
- Floating point representation
- Parity bit – Use of a parity bit – Odd parity and Even parity
Logic Gates: (8 Periods)
- Positive and Negative logic System
- Definition, Truth table, Symbol, and Logical equations of AND, OR, NOT, EXOR, EXNOR (Only 2-inputs) gates
- Universal gates - NAND, NOR – Symbol and truth table
- Logic family classification: Definition of SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI, TTL, and CMOS families and their sub-classification
Boolean Algebra: (8 Periods)
- Basic laws of Boolean algebra
- DeMorgan’s Theorem and proofs
- Duality theorem
- Simplification of logical equations using Boolean laws
- DeMorgan’s theorem
- Two and three variable Karnaugh map (up to 4 variables) and simple application in developing combinational logic circuits
Arithmetic Circuits: (8 Periods)
- Half Adder and full adder - Truth table, Circuit diagram
- Half subtractor and Full subtractor - Truth table, Circuit diagram
Combinational Logic Circuits: (8 Periods)
- Parity generator and checker
- Multiplexer
- Demultiplexer
- Encoder
- Decoder (Definition and Basic Circuits only)
- Comparator Circuit for two-bit words
Flip Flops: (8 Periods)
- Basic principle of operation
- S-R, D flip-flop – Operation and truth table
- Race Condition
- JK flip flop
- T flip flop
- Toggling
- Edge Triggered Flip-flop
- Level Triggered flip flop
- Need for a Master-slave flip flop
- J-K Master Slave flip flop
Counters: (5 Periods)
- Need
- Types of counters
- 4-bit Asynchronous counter
- Mod N counter
- Decade Counter
- 4-bit Synchronous counter
- Distinguish between Synchronous and Asynchronous counter
- Application of counters
Registers: (5 Periods)
- Shift register
- Block diagram representation and waveform of serial-in Serial out, Serial-in Parallel-out, Parallel-in Parallel-out
- Applications of Shift Registers
- Electrical Technology Vol I and II., B. L. Therapa, S. Chand & Co, New Delhi Multiple Colour Revised First Edition, 2012
- Modern Digital Electronics R.P. Jain Tata Mc-GrawHill, New Delhi Third Reprint 2010
- Principles of Digital electronics K. Meena PHI learning Private Ltd 2009
- Digital Electronics and Logic Design Jaydeep Chakravarthy University Press, Hyderabad First Edition 2012
- Principles of Electronics V. K. Mehta S. Chand & Co, New Delhi Second Edition
- Digital Electronics G. K. Kharate Oxford University Press 2010
The digital systems in microprocessors have significant importance in the area of electronics. Adequate competency needs to be developed by giving sufficient practical knowledge in microprocessors (programming as well as interfacing). Help may be taken in the form of charts, simulation packages to develop clear concepts of the subject. Programming exercises other than the tested in circulation may be given to the students.
Subject Code: 053005
The course provides the students with an understanding of the human-computer interface existing in computer systems and the basic concepts of the operating system and its working. The students will also get hands-on experience and good working knowledge to work in DOS and Windows environments. The aim is to gain proficiency in using various operating systems after undergoing this course.
- Understand the purpose, goals, functions, and evolution of Operating Systems.
- Understand the concept of process, various states in the process, and their scheduling.
- Classify different types of schedulers and scheduling algorithms.
- Identify the significance of inter-process communication and synchronization.
- Discuss the usage of semaphore in inter-process communication.
- Understand the conditions for a deadlock.
- Describe the ways to recover from the deadlock.
- Know about memory protection against unauthorized access and sharing.
- Compare and contrast paging and segmentation techniques.
- Define virtual memory and its underlying concepts.
- Describe the page replacement policies like Optimal, FIFO, and LRU.
Basics of Operating Systems: (8 Periods)
- Definition
- Generations of Operating systems
- Types of Operating Systems: Multi-programming, Real-time, Embedded, and Time Sharing.
Operating System Components: (6 Periods)
- Process Management component
- Memory Management component
- I/O Management component
- File Management component
- Protection System
Processes: (6 Periods)
- Definition
- Process Relationship
- Process states
- Process State transitions
- Process Control Block
- Context switching
Process Scheduling: (8 Periods)
- Definition
- Scheduling objectives
- Types of Schedulers
- Scheduling criteria: CPU utilization, Throughput, Turnaround Time, Waiting Time, Response Time (Definition only)
- Scheduling algorithms: Preemptive and Non-preemptive - FCFS, SJF, RR
- Multiprocessor scheduling – Types
- Performance evaluation of the scheduling
Inter-process Communication and Synchronization: (6 Periods)
- Definition
- Shared Memory System
- Message passing
- Critical section
- Mutual Exclusion
- Semaphores
Deadlocks: (6 Periods)
- Definition
- Deadlock characteristics
- Deadlock Prevention
- Deadlock Avoidance
- Deadlock detection and Recovery
Memory Management: (8 Periods)
- Definition
- Logical and Physical address map
- Memory allocation
- Contiguous Memory allocation
- Fixed and variable partition
- Internal and External fragmentation and Compaction
- Paging – Principle of operation
- Page allocation
Virtual Memory: (8 Periods)
- Basics of Virtual Memory
- Page fault, Working Set, Dirty page/Dirty bit
- Demand paging (Concepts only)
- Page Replacement policies: Optimal (OPT), First in First Out (FIFO), and Least Recently Used (LRU)
File Management: (8 Periods)
- File concept
- File attributes
- File Operations
- Directory Structure – Tree Structure
- Disk space allocation methods: Contiguous, Linked, Indexed
- Access Methods: Sequential, Random access
- File system
- Operating System concepts, Abraham Siberschatz Galvin, Gagne Wiley 9th Edition
- Operating System Internal and Design Principles, William Stallings Pearson Education 7th Edition
- Operating system, Principles & Design, Pal Chaudhury PHI Learning First Edition
- Operating System, William Stalling Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2003
- Operating Systems Deitel and Deitel, Pearson Education, New Delhi. Third Edition, 2007
- Operating System, Rohit Khurama ITLESE, Vikas Publishing Ltd, First Edition 2011
DOS COMMANDS Write down the syntax and usage of the following exercise with all options. Check the commands with the system.
- (a) Booting Procedure (b) DOS Commands, BAT file etc
- (c) Logon to LINUX and log off. (d) Usage of directory management commands: ls, cd, pwd, mkdir, rmdir (e) Usage of File Management commands: cat, chmod, cp, mv, rm, more, file commands
- Use the general purpose commands: wc, od, lp, cal, date, who, tty, ln
- Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort
- Advanced filters: Search for a pattern using grep, egrep & fgrep
- To know the details of process status - ps command, Process management commands: &, nohup, kill, nice
- Communication Commands: news, write, mail, wall, calendar
WINDOWS Features and Administration
Introduction to GUI OS; Features and various versions of GUI OS & its use; Working with GUI OS; My Computer & Recycle bin; Desktop, Icons and Explorer; Screen description & working styles of GUI OS; Dialog Boxes & Toolbars; Working with Files & Folders; simple operations like copy, delete, moving of files and folders from one drive to another, Shortcuts & Auto start; Accessories and Windows Settings using Control Panel- setting common devices using control panel, modem, printers, audio, network, fonts, creating users, internet settings, Start button & Program lists; Installing and Uninstalling new Hardware & Software program on your computer - Copying in CD/DVD settings – Recording Audio files.
a. Installing screen saver and change the monitor resolution by 1280X960 b. Setting wallpapers c. Creating, moving, deleting and renaming a folder d. Copy, paste and cut a folder/file e. Displaying the properties for a file or folder
a. Restoring files and folders from Recycle bin b. Creating shortcuts for folder/file c. Finding a file or folder by name d. Selecting and moving two or more files/folders using mouse Sorting folders/files
Anti-viruses, Zip files, Compressions, Windows supported file formats etc
| Commands in Part-A | 10 Marks | | Execution of Commands in Part-A | 10 Marks | | Commands in Part-B | 10 Marks | | Execution of program in Part-B | 10 Marks | | Commands in Part-C | 10 Marks | | Execution of program in Part-C | 10 Marks | | TOTAL | 60 Marks |
As per the above information, it is clear that the subject is both theory and practical oriented. Therefore, the stress must be given on both the theory and practical teaching. In the practical classes, the laboratory must be equipped with all the basic operating system software i.e DOS, UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS etc. While imparting instructions, the teachers are expected to lay more emphasis on concepts and principles of operating systems, its features, and practical utility.
Topic | Time Allotted (Period) | Marks Allocation |
1 | 8 | 8 |
2 | 6 | 7 |
3 | 6 | 7 |
4 | 8 | 8 |
5 | 6 | 8 |
6 | 6 | 8 |
7 | 8 | 8 |
8 | 8 | 8 |
9 | 8 | 8 |
Total | 64 | 70 |
Subject Code: 053001
A computer engineer should be able to interface and maintain key-board, printer, and mouse, monitored along with the other computer system-related devices. The course provides the necessary knowledge and skills regarding working construction and interfacing aspects of peripherals and IoT. Students will understand the concepts of the Internet of Things and can build IoT applications.
- Understand the concepts of the Internet of Things
- Analyze logic pr
- Design IoT app - to analyze their performance
- Implement basic
Introduction to IoT: (10 Periods)
- Defining IoT, CI
- IoT, Functional t
IoT & M2M: (8 Periods)
- Machine to Machine
- Difference between IoT and M2M
- Software-defined Network
Network & Communication Areas: (12 Periods)
- Wireless medium access issues
- MAC protocol survey
- Survey routing protocols
- Sensor deployment & Node discovery
- Data aggregation & dissemination
Challenges in IoT: (10 Periods)
- Design challenges
- Development challenges
- Security challenges
- Other challenges
Domain Specific Applications of IoT: (8 Periods)
- Home automation
- Industry applications
- Surveillance applications
- Other IoT applications
Developing IoTs: (16 Periods)
- Introduction to Python
- Introduction to different IoT tools
- Developing applications through IoT tools
- Developing sensor-based applications through embedded system platforms
- Implementing IoT concepts with Python
- Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach”
- Waltenegus Dargie, Christian Poellabauer, “Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice”
- Study and Install Python in Eclipse and WAP for data types in Python
- Write a Program for arithmetic operation in Python
- Write a Program for looping statement in Python.
- Study and Install IDE of Arduino and different types of Arduino
- Write a program using Arduino IDE for Blink LED.
- Write a Program for RGB LED using Arduino.
At the start of the course, the course delivery pattern, prerequisite of the subject will be discussed.
- Lectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, blackboard, OHP etc.
- Attendance is compulsory in lecture and laboratory which carries 10 marks in overall evaluation.
- One internal exam will be conducted as a part of internal theory evaluation.
- Assignments based on the course content will be given to the students for each unit and will be evaluated at regular intervals.
Topic | Time Allotted (Period) | Marks Allocation |
1 | 10 | 15 |
2 | 8 | 8 |
3 | 12 | 15 |
4 | 10 | 12 |
5 | 8 | 8 |
6 | 16 | 12 |
Total | 64 | 70 |
Subject Code: 053002
The course provides the student with:
- Principles of Computer Communication, types of Network Topologies, and Network Software.
- Principle of digital data transmission, Errors in Communication, and deal with it.
- Network Device involved in Data Communication.
- Communication methods and equipment used in data transmission.
Introduction To Computer Networks: (12 Periods)
- Introduction: Definition of a Computer Network; What is a Network?
- Components of a computer network: Use of Computer networks; Networks for companies, Networks for people, Social Issues
- Classification of networks: Based on transmission technology, Based on their scale, Local area networks, Metropolitan area networks, Wide area networks, Wireless networks
- Network Software & Network Model: Introduction: Networks Software; Protocol hierarchy, Reference models; The OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Reference Model, Comparison of the OSI & the TCP/IP Reference Models
Physical Layer: (12 Periods)
- Introduction: Network topologies; Linear Bus Topology, Ring Topology, Star Topology, Hierarchical or Tree Topology, Topology Comparison, Considerations when choosing a Topology
- Switching: Circuit switching, Message switching, Packet switching, Implementation of packet switching, Relationship between Packet Size and Transmission time, Comparison of switching techniques
- Multiplexing: FDM – Frequency division multiplexing, WDM – Wavelength division multiplexing, TDM – Time division multiplexing
Data Link Layer: (12 Periods)
- Introduction; Goal of DLL
- Design issues of DLL: Services provided to the Network layer, Framing, Error control, Flow control, Link Management, ARQ strategies
- Error Detection and correction: Parity bits, Importance of flamming distance for error correction, Single bit error correction or (n, m) flamming code, Error Detection or Cyclic Redundant Code (CRC)
- Data Link layer protocols: Transmission control protocols, HDLC
Network Layer: (14 Periods)
- Introduction: Design issues of Network layer; Nature of the service provided, Internal organization, Routing, Congestion control, Internetworking
- Principles of Routing: Types of routing algorithms, Classes of routing algorithms, Properties of routing algorithms, Optimality principle
- Routing algorithms: Shortest path algorithm, Flooding, Distance vector routing, Hierarchical routing, Link state routing, Comparison of routing algorithms
- Congestion: Factors of congestion, Comparison of flow control and congestion control, General principles of congestion control, Closed loop solution
- IP protocol (IPV4)
Transport Layer: (14 Periods)
- Introduction: Services of Transport layer; Service primitives
- Connection establishment
- Connection Release
- Transport Protocols: TCP protocol, UDP protocol
- Networking Devices: Introduction; Goal of networking devices
- Repeaters: Uses of Repeaters
- Hubs: Classification of Hubs, Stackable Hubs, USB Hub
- Switches: Switching Methods, Comparison of switching methods, Working with Hubs and Switches, Cables Connecting Hubs and Switches, Managed Hubs and Switches, Port Density
- Bridges: Bridge Implementation Considerations, Types of Bridges
- Routers: Dedicated Hardware versus Server-Based Routers, Advantages and Disadvantages of dedicated hardware routers, Drawbacks of Routers
- Gateways: Advantages of gateways, Gateways Functionality
- Other Devices: Modems, Proxy Server, Wireless router, Brouter, Wireless Access Point (WAPs)
As the subject provides only theoretical concepts, the teacher must explain with reference to practical situations.
- Data Communication and Networking 2nd edition by Forouzan; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co, New Delhi
- Data and Computer Communications by William Stallings, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Data Communication by Schwaber, William; Mc Graw Hills.
- Digital, Analog and Data Communications by Willium, Simema and Tom; McGraw Hill
- Data Communication by Tenanbaum, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Data Communication by Fred Halsall Addison Wesley (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
- Data Communication by Keshav, Addison Wesley (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
- Understanding Data Communication, 4th Ed, Gilbert Held, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Data Communication by Schwaber
- Data Communication and Network by Black
- Recognize the physical topology and cabling (coaxial, OFC, UTP, STP) of a network.
- Recognition and use of various types of connectors RJ-45, RJ-11, BNC, and SCST
- Recognition of network devices (Switches, Hub, Routers of access points for Wifi
- Making of cross cable and straight cable
- Install and configure a network interface card in a workstation.
- Identify the IP address of a workstation and the class of the address and configure the IP Address on a workstation
- Managing user accounts in windows and LINUX
- Study.
Topic | Time Allotted (Period) | Marks Allocation |
1 | 12 | 12 |
2 | 12 | 15 |
3 | 12 | 15 |
4 | 14 | 14 |
5 | 14 | 14 |
Total | 64 | 70 |
Subject Code: 053004
The application of Computer knowledge is essential for the students of all disciplines of Engineering in addition to their respective branch of study. The Computer Application Practical course facilitates the necessary knowledge and skills regarding creating, working, and maintaining the documents and presentation of documents with audio-visual effects in computers and produces necessary skills in E-Learning and Chatting tools.
On completion of the following exercises, the students will be able to:
- Use the GUI operating systems
- Familiarize and customize the desktop
- Use the different facilities available in the word processor
- Prepare PowerPoint presentation with different formats
- Expose E-learning tools and chatting tools
- Analyze the datasheet
- Create and manipulate the database
- Create different types of charts
- Prepare PowerPoint presentation
- Understand Internet concepts and usage of e-mail
- All the experiments given in the list of experiments should be completed and all the experiments should include for the end semester practical examination.
- The computer systems should be 1:1 ratio for practical classes
- Introduction to Word Processing – Examples- Creation of new documents, opening document, insert a document into another document. Page setup, margins, gutters, font properties, Alignment, page breaks, header footer deleting, moving, replace, editing text in document. Saving a document, spellchecker. Printing a document. Creating a table, entering and editing, Text in tables. Changing format of table, height width of row or column. Editing, deleting Rows, columns in table. Borders, shading, Templates, wizards, drawing objects, mail merge.
Exercises 2. Create the following table and perform the operations given below:
DAYS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
MON | TEST | A : JPP | CA | RDBMS | TUT | |||
B : RDBMS | ||||||||
TUE | CA | OOP | CN | RDBMS | A : RDBMS | |||
B : JPP | ||||||||
THU | OOP | A : JPP | CA | RDBMS | CN | OOP | ||
B : RDBMS | ||||||||
B : RDBMS | ||||||||
Create a standard covering letter and use mail merge to generate the customized letters for applying to a job in various organizations. Also, create a database and generate labels for the applying organizations.
Create a newsletter of three pages with two columns of text. The first page contains some formatting bullets and numbers. Set the document background color and add ‘confidential’ as the watermark. Give the document a title which should be displayed in the header. The header/footer of the first page should be different from the other two pages. Also, add the author’s name and date/time in the header. The footer should have the page number.
SPREADSHEET Introduction to Analysis Package – Examples - Concepts of Workbook & Worksheets; Using Wizards; Various Data Types; Using different features with Data, Cell and Texts; Inserting, Removing & Resizing of Columns & Rows; Working with Data & Ranges; Different Views of Worksheets; Column Freezing, Labels, Hiding, Splitting etc.; Using different features with Data and Text; Use of Formulas, Calculations & Functions; Cell Formatting including Borders & Shading; Working with Different Chart Types; Printing of Workbook & Worksheets with various options.
Create a result sheet containing Candidate’s Register No., Name, Marks for six subjects. Calculate the total and result. The result must be calculated as below and failed candidates should be turned to red.
- Result is Distinction if Total >= 70%
- First Class if Total >= 60% and < 70%
- Second Class if Total >= 50% and < 60%
- Pass if Total >= 35% and < 50%
- Fail otherwise Create a separate table based on class by using auto filter feature.
Create a table of records with columns as Name and Donation Amount. Donation amount should be formatted with two decimal places. There should be at least twenty records in the table. Create a conditional format to highlight the highest donation with blue color and the lowest donation with red color. The table should have a heading.
Create line and bar chart to highlight the sales of the company for three different periods for the following data.
Period | Product1 | Product2 | Product3 | Total |
JAN | 35 | 40 | 50 | 125 |
FEB | 46 | 56 | 40 | 142 |
MAR | 70 | 50 | 40 | 160 |
DATABASE Introduction – Menus – Toolbar – Create – Edit – Save – Data types – Insert – Delete – Update – View – Sorting and filtering – Queries – Report – Page setup – Print.
Exercises 8. Create a Database to maintain at least 10 addresses of your classmates with the following constraints:
- Roll no. should be the primary key.
- Name should be not null
- Create a students table with the following fields: Sr. No, Reg. No, Name, Marks in 5 subjects. Calculate total and percentage of 10 students. Perform the following queries:
- To find the details of distinction student
- To find the details of first-class students
- To find the details of second-class students Design a report for the above exercise to print the consolidated result sheet and mark card for the student.
PRESENTATION Introduction - Opening new presentation, Parts of PowerPoint window – Opening - Saving and closing presentations - Features of PowerPoint, Background design, Word art, Clip art, Drawings, 3D settings - Animations, Sound, Views, types of views - Inserting and deleting slides, arranging slides, slides show, rehearsal, setup show, custom show - Creating custom presentations, action setting, auto content wizard, working with auto content wizard
Exercises 10. Make a marketing presentation of any consumer product with at least 10 slides. Use different customized animation effects on pictures and clip art on any four of the ten slides.
- Create a Presentation about our institution or any subject with different slide transitions with sound effects.
INTERNET Introduction – Getting acquainted with Internet Connection - Browsers – Website URL - Open a website – Net Browsing - Email: Creating E-mail id – Sending, receiving and deleting E-mail - Email with Attachments – CC and BCC - Chatting – Creating Group mail - Google docs – Search Engines – Searching topics.
Most Popular Social Networking Sites: History – Features – Services – Usage of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Transferring data through wifi / Bluetooth among different devices.
Introduction to cybercrime – Software Piracy – Viruses – Antivirus Software
Exercises 12. Create an e-mail id and perform the following: - Write an e-mail inviting your friends to your Birthday Party. - Make your own signature and add it to the e-mail message. - Add a word attachment of the venue route - Send the e-mail to at least 5 of your friends.
- Create a presentation on Google docs. Ask your friend to review it and comment on it. Use the “Discussion” option for your discussions on the presentation.
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware Requirements:
- Computers – 36 Nos
- Intel Core i3 Processor
- 14” Monitor
- Projector – 1 Nos
- Laser Printer – 1 No
- Internet Connection – Minimum of 512KBPS
Software Requirement:
- Any GUI Operating System
- Open Source Software / MS-Office
Semester End Examination – 60 Marks
Content | Max. Marks |
Writing Procedure – One Question from Section A | 10 |
Demonstration | 10 |
Results with Printout | 5 |
Writing Procedure – One Question from Section B | 10 |
Demonstration | 15 |
Results with Printout | 5 |
Viva voce | 5 |
Total | 60 Marks |