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IT Syllabus - V

Detailed Syllabus for IT 5th sem Students

Detailed Syllabus for IT 5th sem Students

Table of Contents

Software Engineering

Subject Code: 055002


Software Engineering deals with the reliability and quality assurance of the software under development. It provides a framework for developing quality software products. The course enables students to write specifications for software systems, understand the importance of good software design, and develop test plans from design specifications. It also covers aspects such as the software life cycle, requirement analysis, documentation, design characteristics, techniques, testing, implementation, and maintenance.


Upon completion, students should be able to:

  • Define Software Engineering.
  • Understand the characteristics of Software Engineering.
  • Explain different software development models.
  • Learn about the phases of the software development cycle.
  • Understand the significance of requirement analysis.
  • Know various tools and techniques used for requirement analysis.
  • Understand different types of project metrics and estimation techniques.
  • Explain software maintenance and its need.
  • Identify and manage risks.
  • Describe testing and types of testing, such as black-box and white-box testing.
  • Understand software quality and quality assurance.

Detailed Contents

  1. Introduction to Software Engineering (15 Periods)

    • Basics of Software Engineering: Need, Definition, Characteristics, Myths, and Comparison of Development Life Cycle Models (Waterfall, Prototyping, Spiral, RAD, Object-Oriented)
    • Software Requirement Analysis (SRS): Value, Process, Specification, Characteristics, Components, and Problems.
  2. Software Design and Planning (20 Periods)

    • Software Design: Definition, Objectives, Process, Architectural Design, Modular Design, Interface Design, Coupling and Cohesion.
    • Software Planning: Metrics, Estimation, Guidelines, COCOMO Model.
  3. Software Maintenance and Risk Management (15 Periods)

    • Software Maintenance: Evolution, Configuration Management, Change Control, Maintenance Categories and Costs.
    • Risk Management: Definition, Types, Monitoring, Avoidance, and Detection.
  4. Software Quality Assurance (15 Periods)

    • Verification and Validation, SQA Objectives and Goals, SQA Plan, Software Quality Attributes, SEI CMM, ISO 9000 and ISO 9126, Software Reliability.
  5. Software Testing (15 Periods)

    • Introduction to Testing, Principles, Objectives, Faults, Errors, Failures, Test Cases, Black-Box and White-Box Testing Strategies.

Reference Books

  1. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, Pearson Education, Sixth Edition.
  2. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, PHI Learning Pvt Limited.
  3. Software Engineering, Bharat Bhusan Agarwal, Sumit Prakash Tayal, Firewall Media.
  4. Software Testing, K. Mustafa and R. A. Khan, Narosa Publishing House.
  5. Software Quality, R. A. Khan, K. Mustafa, and SI, Narosa Publishing House.

Suggested Distribution of Marks

TopicTime Allotted (Periods)Marks Allocation

Android Application Development

Subject Code: 055004


Android Application Development offers extensive customization features due to its open-source nature. This flexibility makes Android Development popular for creating diverse applications.

Detailed Contents

  1. Open Source Mobile Technology (16 Periods)

    • Overview of Android, Open Handset Alliance, Android Marketplaces, Development Environment, Framework, SDK, Emulators.
  2. Android Architecture Framework

    • Linux Kernel, Libraries, Android Runtime, Application Framework, Applications, Startup, Zygote, Debug Bridge, Permission Model, Manifest File.
  3. Design Android UI Layout (14 Periods)

    • Components: Intent, Activity, UI Layouts, Drawable Resources, UI Objects.
  4. Event-Driven Programming (8 Periods)

    • Event Handling, Splash Screen, Activity Life Cycle, Threads.
  5. Application with Menus and Dialog Boxes

    • Custom Menus, Handset Menu Button, Themes, Dialogs, Toasts, List & Adapters.
  6. Applications with Database (16 Periods)

    • SQLite: Open Helper, Database Creation, Operations.

Reference Books

  1. Professional Android 2 Application Development, Reto Meier, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
  2. Beginning Android, Mark L Murphy, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
  3. Professional Android, Sayed Y. Hashimi and Satya Komatineni, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.

Lab Exercises

  1. Installation and Configuration of Android Development Framework.
  2. Various Android Development Environments.
  3. Design a Simple Calculator Application.
  4. Application for Menus and Screen Navigation.
  5. Internal Storage Application.
  6. To-Do List Application using SQLite.
  7. Internet Connection and Email Sending Application.
  8. Graphics and Animations Application.
  9. Location-Based Service Application.
  10. Device Camera Application.

Suggested Distribution of Marks

TopicTime Allotted (Periods)Marks Allocation

Java Programming

Subject Code: 055001


Java is a widely accepted programming language due to its object-oriented nature. This subject introduces students to basic concepts of object-oriented technology and Java programming.


Upon completion, students should be able to:

  • Understand programming paradigms and object-oriented programming.
  • Learn Java features, control structures, and arrays.
  • Implement classes, interfaces, and exception handling.
  • Develop multithreaded programs and use Java’s I/O streams.

Detailed Contents

  1. Basics and Language Fundamentals (15 Periods)

    • Java Features, JVM, API, Compiling and Running Applications, Tokens, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Type Casting.
  2. Declarations, Control Structures, Arrays (15 Periods)

    • Control Statements, Enumerated Types, Arrays, String Methods, String Buffer Class.
  3. Classes, Interfaces, and Access Control (20 Periods)

    • Class Declarations, Methods, Constructors, Access Control, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Interfaces.
  4. Applets and AWT Controls (15 Periods)

    • Applet Life Cycle, Graphics Class, AWT Components, Event Handling.
  5. Exception Handling, Multithreading, I/O Streams (15 Periods)

    • Exception Handling, Multithreading, JDBC Architecture, I/O Streams.

Text Books

  1. Programming with Java, E. Balagurusamy, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
  2. Java, A Beginner’s Guide, Herbert Schildt, Oracle Press.

List of Practicals

  1. Command Line Arguments.
  2. Sum of Digits of a Number.
  3. Multiplication Table in Row-Column Format.
  4. Prime Number Checks.
  5. Array Search with Custom Exceptions.
  6. File Copying using java.io.
  7. File Analysis (Lines, Words, Characters).
  8. Arrays and Strings Programming.
  9. Inheritance Programming.
  10. Exception Handling.
  11. Multithreading Programs.
  12. Java Applets.
  13. JDBC Programming.

Suggested Distribution of Marks

TopicTime Allotted (Periods)Marks Allocation

Electronic Commerce

Subject Code: 125001


Electronic Commerce is critical for online business interactions. It streamlines processes and reduces costs through automation, improving coordination in sales, production, and distribution.

Detailed Contents

  1. Introduction (12 Periods)

    • E-Commerce vs. Physical Commerce, Digital Phenomenon, Types, Advantages, Myths.
  2. Architectural Framework (12 Periods)

    • Web Architecture: Browser, HTTP, TCP/IP, Server, HTML, CGI Scripts, Standards.
  3. Security Issues (15 Periods)

    • Firewalls, SET, Encryption, Digital Signatures, SSL.
  4. Electronic Payment Systems (15 Periods)

    • Digital Cash, Electronic Signatures, Debit Cards, Smart Cards, EFT, Payment Gateways.
  5. Electronic Commerce Applications (15 Periods)

    • E-Commerce Banking, Online Shopping, Business Models, Publishing, Retailing, Copyrights, EDI, EFT, Bulletin Boards, Catalogs.
  6. E-Services & Tools for E-Commerce (12 Periods)

    • Cold Fusion, E-Governance, E-Commerce Scenario in India, Guidelines.


. Electronic Commerce Policies (12 Periods)

  • International Policies, Cyber Laws, Indian Policies, Government Rules, Consumer Protection.

Reference Books

  1. E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective, P.T. Joseph, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.
  2. E-Commerce, C.S.V. Murthy, Himalaya Publishing House.
  3. E-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies, and Applications, David Whiteley, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

Suggested Distribution of Marks

TopicTime Allotted (Periods)Marks Allocation

Minor Project Work

Subject Code: 125002


Minor project work aims to expose students to various industries dealing with computers. The goal is for students to become acquainted with the computer environment and possess the desired attitudes. Students are required to be sent for a period of two to four weeks to different establishments based on their interests. This exposure helps them understand and adapt to real-world working environments.


  • Implement Knowledge: Apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained through the curriculum into a real-world application, preferably in an industrial setting.
  • Develop Software: Create software packages or applications to address the actual needs of the community.
  • Industrial Exposure: Gain experience in an industrial environment and understand work ethics.
  • Entrepreneurship: Learn about entrepreneurship and the path to becoming an entrepreneur.
  • Knowledge Gap: Understand and bridge the gap between technological knowledge acquired through the curriculum and actual industrial needs by acquiring additional knowledge as required.
  • Cooperative Learning: Engage in cooperative learning through guided discussions, document sharing, and collaborative preparation of the final project report.
  • Field Experience: Gain experience in software design and understand disaster management.

Guidelines for Project Formulation

The project work is a major component of most professional programs and must be carried out with due care and seriousness.

Batch Size: Maximum of 6 students per batch

Type of Project

Students are encouraged to work on real-life projects relevant to their field of study. Projects can be done in industries, research and development laboratories, educational institutions, or software companies. Students may also formulate their project problems with the help of their guide.

Project Proposal (Synopsis)

The project proposal should be prepared in consultation with a guide during the fifth semester and must include:

  1. Title of the Project.
  2. Introduction and Objectives: Clear description of the project objectives and the environment.
  3. Project Category: Specify if it is DBMS, OOPS, Networking, Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, etc.
  4. Tools / Platform: Hardware and software requirements.
  5. Analysis: DFDs up to the second level, ER Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Database Design, etc.
  6. Complete Structure:
    • Number of modules and their descriptions.
    • Data Structures for all modules.
    • Process logic of each module.
    • Testing process.
    • Report generation (tentative content).
  7. Industry/Client Information: Mention if the project is being done for an industry/client, and provide details if applicable.
  8. Future Scope and Limitations: Future enhancements and limitations of the project.

Project Proposal Submission and Approval

Students should submit the project proposal to the HOD along with the synopsis and bio-data of the guide. Incomplete proposals will be rejected. The proposal will be sent to the project monitoring committee for final approval.

Suggestive Areas of Project Work

  • Database Management Systems
  • Software Engineering and Software Development
  • Web Page Designing
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Computer Graphics and Animation
  • Multimedia Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet and E-commerce
  • Computer Security and Cryptography
  • Computer Hardware and Embedded Systems
  • Improving Existing Systems/Equipment
  • Any other related area

Internal Assessment

Internal assessment is based on the review of work progress:

Detail of AssessmentPeriod of AssessmentMax. Marks
First Review6th Semester30
Second Review14th Semester30
AttendanceEntire Semester20

Evaluation for Board Examination

Details of Mark AllocationMax Marks
Marks for Report Preparation, Demo, Viva-voce100
Marks for answers to 4 questions from a question bank covering Disaster Management and Environmental Management100

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